{X} as Public Utility

Over the years, humanity has buried some natural and simple things under tons of
artificially induced abstractions, protected by an infinite chain of middlemen.

That's how this formula was born. At this point, we found the ultimate solution
for Marriage Certification as Public Utility. Let's see what's next.


With every problem we solve, we strip away all the meta around the process, reducing the solution to a single attribute change (e.g. "marriage" as a checkmark).

We will never sell / exploit your data

Including any kind of tracking. It's a paramount principle for us.


We work with government-level entities and navigate through legal opportunities to solve problems regardless of citizenship or personal identity.

Reduced Supply Chain

In the beginning, we are forced to use a few third-party providers. We thoroughly vet each one, and our long-term goal is to eliminate their use.

Simple metrics

Time spent and fees paid: both always go down.

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)

We release our entire codebase and documentation under a FOSS-compatible license.

Get in touch

We are happy to answer your questions or receive feedback and ideas. Don't hesitate to contact us.